We provide individual and group evidence-based interventions that teach behavioral and risk reduction methods to help our clients minimize their risk of HIV/STI acquisition and transmission. Programs are facilitated by trained health educators in community settings. Workshops are offered routinely offsite and at collaborator facilities.
Safe In The City
Safe In The City is a 23-minute, video-based HIV and STD prevention intervention designed for our clients in the Comprehensive Intervention Clinic. Safe in the City aims to increase condom use and other safer sex behaviors, and thereby reduce infections among patients who view the video.
Sister to Sister
Sister to Sister aims to enhance women’s knowledge, beliefs, confidence, and skills to help reduce their risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), especially HIV.
Personalized Cognitive Counseling
Personalized Cognitive Counseling (PCC) is a 30- to 50-minute individual-level, single-session intervention. PCC encourages HIV test clients to identify thoughts and feelings from a recent episode of condomless anal intercourse reduce to the risk behavior in future situations.
VOICES/VOCES is a single-session, video-based HIV/STD prevention program designed to encourage condom use and improve condom negotiation skills. The program is based on the theory of reasoned action, which explains how behaviors are guided by attitudes, beliefs, experiences, and expectations of other persons’ reactions.
Healthy Relationships
Healthy Relationships is a small-group intervention for persons with HIV. Through a series of interactive sessions, participants examine their risks, develop skills to reduce their risks, and receive feedback from others. The intervention focuses on developing and practicing new skills, building self-efficacy, and positive expectations about new behaviors through modeling such behaviors.